Horizon Forbidden West: Find all tickets
Tips on the locations of all types of tickets in Horizon Forbidden West: In the forbidden West, aircraft wrecks are scattered everywhere and in many of them you will find a flyer. These black boxes are a collective object that exchanges Aloy in the game against valuable raw materials. If Aloy finds all tickets, it even gets one of the best games of the game. Below we collected all the localities of all twelve missing tickets for you and wrote down in real order. If you are not only looking for collective objects, but also want to puzzle on the way a bit, we recommend our solution to all reliktruins in Horizon Forbidden West. If you only start to the adventure soon, our beginner guide uses tips on game start in Horizon Forbidden West.
- Horizon Forbidden West: Solution of all reliktruins - Puzzles tips
- No mans land
- The white wake up peaks
- Soil depth
- The Spur
- Blood Targ
- The Stillsande
- The commemorative hair
- Saltbiss
- The rainpack
- Bone bleaching gap
- Seat of the guards
- Island of towers
- Reward
No mans land
For the first aircraft you just have to find the airplane wreck on the mountain in the noble country and leave the locked door there. Inside you will find the flyer then directly. The first aircraft can be logically found quite far in the east. Source: PC Games
The white wake up peaks
The second aircraft is buried through the destruction of the aircraft under its rubble. Here you have to use your gripping hook to expose the flyer and collect. Something east of your base you can find this flyer. Source: PC Games
Soil depth
On the wreck of aircraft number 3 comes past the main quest around Sylens and the remains of Hades. The part of the wreck lying on land is blocked by a metal flower, but offers only one box with Loot anyway. The interesting part of the aircraft including flyers can be found under water. By scanning in the water, you can estimate quite well, where the flyer and thus also the wreck. Then dive to the bottom of the aircraft wreck and enter it over the entrance there. Inside, you only have to dive up again and then can collect the ticket. This aircraft is located on the path you cover with the Hades ball. Source: PC Games
The Spur
The aircraft door, which locks you here the way to the flyer, only needs electricity before you open. The required energy cell can be found something eastern, near a scrap pile. After you have the door supplied and opened with power, you have to take care of a metal flower inside the wreck and then you can already collect the flyer. Close pure sound you can discover this wreck. Source: PC Games
Blood Targ
The difficulty in collecting this flyer comes by finding such remote at the edge of the map on a mountain. But if you are in the right place, you just go through an opening inside the wreck and collects it. This plane is located in the north. Source: PC Games
The Stillsande
The sixth flyer can be found west of the Stillsande Reliktruinen. To get into the aircraft wreck, you have to worry about the metal flower first. Inside the aircraft, you then pull the box a bit to expose the banner behind it. West of Still sand reliktruins you can find this flyer. Source: PC Games
The commemorative hair
This aircraft wreck is quasi right in front of the commemorative hair and you should find it quite fast if you drive to the campfire, which is a bit more southern. To get to the flyer, you simply pull you up by a gripping point on a wing of the wreck and then go over to the other wings. From here you can draw directly to the opening, thanks to another gripping point, which leads into the interior. Right in front of the commemorative hair is the wreck of this flyer. Source: PC Games
This flyer is not somewhere outside on a mountain, but in the middle of saltbite. In salt biss, you just go to the hunter, where you can buy and sell things and opens the hatch behind her with your gripping hook. Your complete loading is within an aircraft wreck and so you will continue in this. Just run through to the back and there you can already find the flyer. In the middle of salt bite you can find this flyer. Source: PC Games
The rainpack
The metal flower is here the first thing to remove, because one half of the aircraft wreck is completely overgrown. In this half you will find an energy cell that you must bring to the other part of the aircraft to open the door there. The flyer is then directly behind it. Park number 9 is quite southern. Source: PC Games
Bone bleaching gap
The wreck of this aircraft is distributed over half the mountain. By scanning you can determine the part in which the flyer is located. However, this part is blocked by a door that needs energy to open. For this purpose, a few meters go to the right in the small shelter and picks up the energy cell from there. After using the energy cell into the device next to the door, you can enter and grab the flyer. On a barg in the northwest you can find the wreckage of this aircraft. Source: PC Games
Seat of the guards
This flyer is also back on a mountain. To collect him, you go to the rear part of the aircraft and pushes the box to the side, which blocks the way. Directly behind it is the flyer. Not far from the coast is this flyer. Source: PC Games
Island of towers
The last flyer is located on the island in the west. Just climbs over an opening in the back part of the aircraft wreck and slips down to get out exactly at the flyer. Also on country case there is a flyer to find. Source: PC Games
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You can give the flyers found at the Schlaves collector. You will find them in the commemorative hair. It offers a variety of rare raw materials in exchange against the flyers. If you collect all twelve flyers you will also get the legendary explosive clamp "wings of the ten". The collector can be found in the relikthain. Source: PC Games If you want to spend a little more time in the world of Horizon Forbidden West (now), but sometimes do you hard while exploring and riddling, we also have more guides for all long-necks, breeding sites or reliktruins for you. If, on the other hand, the fighting against machines causes themselves, then the video looks to the most dangerous machines of the West (and how you prefer to defeat them).
From Benjamin Lachmann author & Maik Koch editor 10.03.2022 at 16:01
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