Horizon Forbidden West: all relictruises

The relic ruins and the ornaments that you can find it there, among the collectibles in Horizon Forbidden West. To get the object of desire, you have to partly solve tricky puzzles . If you like us going and you fall in one way or another relic ruin to a halt, you learn in this guide:

  • Where to find the respective relic ruin
  • How do you solve the puzzles

If you complete three relic ruins, you will receive a bronze trophy it. If you want Platinize a small milestone Horizon Forbidden West. What do you still have to do everything to obtain platinum, we have listed to you in our Trophy Guide to Horizon Forbidden West.

Note: We ourselves do not have all relic ruins and can use it to unlock all the ornaments. Once another is added, we will aktualisieren. the article

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What are relic ruins?

In relic ruins is dilapidated remains of buildings that are spread all over the map. Altogether there are nine pieces. Inside is always hidden an ornament which must unlock her . To open the massive door that was usually provided with a code that you have to solve a puzzle.

You've got to look good, to bring as energy cells safely across the water to blow up walls or by using dice to overcome obstacles. In addition, usually somewhere a disk lying around that you should scan because it contains important information about the Code.

relic ruin: Niemansland

You probably will this relic ruin already see before you conclude they can. namely you need only the wand with which you destroy the fire mica can . There are two places on the walls of the relic ruins where will their fire mica: Once on the outside, which brings you a piece inside the ruins and even outside at the level of the first floor.

Blasts at first the upper fire mica and goes inside. Jumps down and goes to the left wall. Brecht there, making their access to get passage leading the blue iron frame with your hook out for other fire mica.

Break the wall on the second fire mica, grab the empty Energy Cell inside and goes back through the passage into the previous room. There, you see a slot into which you plug the power cell and can recharge.

Next, you have to get to the other side, the energy cell. But to bring a loaded cell in contact with water, is not the best idea. Cast your eyes so once in the air. You should a square box with blue grid pages see. This pulls her with your hook down into the water and places them in the area to the left of the charging station.

Take the energy cell, it puts on the chest, confidently into the water and pushes the box to the other side . The Energy Cell now pushes her into the designated slot. However, the goal is not to over you.

You need the box one more time: Pull it out of the water over the slope on the side with the door up and push them to the wall where you see a yellow highlighted bar to hold (see screenshot). The bottom bar will break away if ye attached to them. Use the box comes her to the overlying strip and arrives at the Terminal in which you now enter the code can .

If you have not scanned the ground floor next to the slot of the power cell the volume of code is: 2204 .

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relic ruin: The horror

Look at the first place for in ruin. You will quickly discover a locked door behind which the object of your desire is. To get into it there, requires her a key . Grab the crate first and makes them down so that you can also climb on the plane with the door. Go to the balcony and jump over the ramp to the other balcony.

In ruin, in which you find yourselves now, you see a ventilation shaft, which is provided with a lattice door. You can the flap with your hook to open . To the right you have to have with your hook the bar to pull down. Goes to the wall to the right of the beam and performs a Wall Jump to you to hold on to the bar. Climb up to the bay and pass to the other side.

In the next room jumps down and pulls below the ventilation duct with your hook a hole in the wall . You can now drag the box from the beginning in the current room.

now goes one level deeper and there to the end. You can find a point at which you with your hook a piece of the ceiling tear can . This is important because you have to push the box in the next step. Pushes the box up to the point where you see the gripping points. Ye can now reach.

Climbing up to the roof, jumping to the balcony and Loots from the box the keys needed . Go back to the locked door, it opens and collects the ornament.

Reliktruine: Wilderness trail

Also the puzzle for the reliktruine wilderness trail is a bit tricky and connected with a lot of cranes. If you turn into the painting, you will see a box. To get to the ornament, but you need two crates **.

Places the first box on the lowest level so that it completes it with the plane (see screenshot 1). Now pull the second box up and pushes them to the lower box . The stacked boxes push her to the slope to the next level up to the hole that you have torn with your hook in the wall - then pushes the upper box into the room.

Slides the box through the door into the open, the sloping up to the tower. Climbing at him up, the boxes plundered and secure the ornament , which is almost all the way.

Reliktruine: restless wilderness

The reliktruine named restless wilderness is not so big from the floor area, but you still have to do a few meters **, as you felt a tens of the walls around the walls, running back.

The large Lore , which stands in front of the ruins, is of great importance so that you reach the ornament at the end. In the following, we'll explain the most important points where you will push you and where your way carries along. Note that there are a soft way around the original viewpoint of Lore that you need to use.

First, you push the Lore straight to the ruin. Climbs on the Lore and jumps from there on the wall. There you will find a pantry and then balances over the rope on the other side. You can see a broken pillar on which you jump. Uses the sprouts and ladder to get to the elevated level - you stand in front of a locked door.

If you scan the data carrier right outside the door, you will receive the information, where you find the code - it is the year on the outer wall of the ruin. Or you skips this step and directly give the following number combination: 1923 .

After the door has opened, you see another rope , to which you can hang out. Take a bit of a bit of a bit and jumps on it, then slips to the other side of the reliktruine.

In this part you also see again firing mica on the wall . It breaks it and you will receive a hole in the wall that is big enough for the Lore to pass. Run like outside, the Lore pushes completely back, turns the soft and pushes the Lore into the inside of the ruin. If you are on the increase, you can not miss the ornament anymore.

Reliktruine: The Stillsande

In the middle of the desert you bums on another reliktruine. First of all, you have to take a way upwards. At the main page with the huge grid window you will find a separate part where you can climb up. Jump from there to the building, swinging to the left and let you fall to the elevated level. Continue straight ahead until you see a hole in the wall, along with device, from which you can rake in the interior .

Take a quick look around and uses your focus if necessary: ​​On the first level you will find a door including key module. The key is located on the opposite side at the top of a staircase. The ornament that wants to collect you is at the top of the roof . Both the key and the ornament does not come without help.

Is first in the direction of the locked door. Directly underneath is a breakthrough in the wall, which leads you into a side room. It finds a box, a kind of framework and a valve. Climbing the box on the scaffold and opens the valve . So that the water does not run through the wastewater channel, you have to block the hole - with the box! In no time, the complete building is running full with water.

Floats out of the room into the big hall. Thanks to the increased water level, you easily reach the first floor. Floats to the stairs with the key , collects it and returns to the door on the opposite side. As soon as the module is in the console, the door opens and it comes behind it another box to light.

Draw the box into the water and transports it to the opposite side. You have to use your hook and stand on a solid surface. So seek little protrusions, put it on it and pull the box piece for piece to the other side. She should swim comparatively close to the middle column, where her yellow handles can recognize. With a hosted jump you manage it from the box to the strip and from there to the handles, then to climb to the top. Now you just have to access and collect the ornament. Other guides to Horizon Forbidden West on box: * Horizon Forbidden West: All trophies at a glance * Horizon Forbidden West: 8 tips for optimal entry Visits us Facebook and Instagram and discuss with us about your favorite games!
