Dungeons & Dragons reveals its most disgusting dragons so far

Calabozos and Dragones has given fans a sneak preview of two horrible and grotesque dragons that appear in an upcoming sourcebook. This week, Wizards of the Coast released a new issue of Dragón + its digital magazine dedicated to Calabozos and Dragones . The magazine contains an early look at Tesoro of the dragon Fizban , a reference book that provides forthcoming new blocks of statistics and knowledge about dragons and creatures related to dragons. First glance provided some new details about two monsters appear Tesoro dragons Fizban, both are terrifying in different ways.

The first monster seen in Dragón + is the old brain dragon, a created creature when the old brain of a hive minds skinners clings to a dragon and take control of it. In the magazine, the leader of the project James Wyatt explained how the creature was created and anticipated some of his horrible skills. Typically, an elderly brain lives in the center of a community mental skinners, motionless in a pool, Wyatt said. Instead of introducing a tadpole into a dragon, the old brain forms a sac on the back of the dragon and covered with a membrane and tentacles, transforming it into a hideous aberration. It also extends its tentacles into the brain of the dragon to take control of your body.

Wyatt noticed that the old brain dragon is scary because it gives mobility to a creature that is generally motionless. According to Wyatt, the creature has a fly speed of 80 feet and can float using his psychic levitation. In addition, the breath weapon of the creature becomes decidedly more dangerous. The old brain is also responsible for the mechanism of breath weapon of the dragon and throws a stream of brine filled tadpoles to start making ceremorfosis while transforming humanoids around, Wyatt said. The characters continue to receive psychological damage even when they are infested with a tadpole, stabilizing if reduced to zero hit points but remain unconscious until they are transformed into a mind flayer.

Wyatt also noticed that the aged brain dragon has the ability to fight with tentacles and can break the concentration of a caster using a legendary action if the dragon has the caster in its tentacles.

The other monster is seen by Dragon + Dragon Eye, a new type of viewer relative. The Dragon Eye is created when a viewer becomes obsessed with a dragon. Creature is a strange combination of dragon and viewer, with wings formed by a false mouth peduncles and containing a large central eye. The core skill of the dragon eye combines the unique abilities of a dragon and a spectator. [The eyedrake s] mouth is perpetually open, showing a large central eye that emits a wave of anti-magic energy like breathing, said Wyatt to Dragón + . It really is the breath weapon of a dragon with a antimagico cone a spectator, two great tastes that know very well together.

Tesoro Fizban dragons will be released on October 17.


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