Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – Meisterrang Kulve Taroth, Arch

Both monsters have to produce new armor for a limited time from the near future.

Capcoms Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will receive some well-known monsters killed on April 23 for all platforms. The title update 3.5 brings Kulv Taroth to the master rank and adds the extension with Namielle the first Arch-tempered Elder Dragon. Take a look at the trailer below to see both monsters in action.

This time it's about killing Kulves Taroth instead of driving you away. So that you do not believe that there is no initiative, Capcom offers new armor to manufacture and the ability to improve weapons that you have received by the quest High-ranking siege. So if you have meta weapons from previous sieges, this is a good chance to bring them into the master rank.

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Similar to the Arch-tempered Elder Dragons from the base, Arch-tempered namielle is essentially a harder version of the master rank monster. You can use your materials to make new equipment. However, it remains to be seen how feasible this will be when considering how strong the equipment of raging brachydios is. Further information is available if the update will be released next week.

Keywords: Capcom, Monster Hunterwelt, Monster Hunterwelt: Iceborne, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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