Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - Safi'jiiva Siege Quest Live - Elder Dragon

MASTER HUNTER | Monster Hunter World The new Elder Dragon can be fought until January 4, 2020.

CAPCOM's current title update for monster Hunter World: Icetic born may have focused on Stygian Zinogre, but it brought another terrible presence in the game. As a mature form of Xeno'jiiva, the older dragon was officially baptized as Safi'jiiva, and the siege quest to reduce him is now live. Take a look at the trailer below.

Similar to Kulves Taroth, you have to work together with other hunters to ward off the threat. However, some mechanics are taken from the fight of the Behemoth - you will receive Safi'jiiva's anger and have to ward off his attacks. And when it unleashes the Emperor's sapphire, you should find a place where you can hide. The hub pendant below offers even more valuable tips.

Safi'jiiva will awaken new weapons and spend a new armor for those who are brave enough to defeat them. The siege quest runs until January 4, 2020 for Xbox One and PS4. PC player summarize courage - monster Hunter World: Eisborn appears a few days later on January 9, 2020 via Steam. If you stay up to date in the meantime for more information.

Conversions: Capcom, Monster Hunterwelt, Monster Hunterwelt: Iceborne, PC, PS4, Xbox One


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